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Tech Help for Parents

Are your students telling you that they submitted their homework online using Google Classroom? Are you hearing that your student received a notification on ParentSquare? Not sure what any of this means? Are you trying to locate assignment information or grades? Not sure who your child's teacher is or need their contact information? This page is here to help.

In Wylie ISD, our teachers and students have access to many online tools and resources. These resources are useful because they help engage our students, give them access to their classroom materials 24/7/365, help keep them organized, and give parents a way to "observe" what is going on in the classroom.

Often times our teachers have choices as to which online learning tool they use, and while choice is great, it is sometimes difficult for parents (and students) to keep up. Please know that it is our goal to streamline this, and by evaluating the usefulness, cost, and alignment to our content resources we hope to make the best decision for the varied uses and age groups we serve.

We also understand that as a parent it can be difficult to navigate between all the available choices to find the information you need. To help assist you, we have put together the following list of "common" tools and systems being utilized by the Wylie ISD.

The most common spring boards to information for parents are Skyward Family Access, the Wylie ISD website and Wylie ISD Connect.


Family Access provides parents secure, web-based access to our student information system. This “real time” information promotes more effective communication between the district and our parents. This is the main source of student information for student schedules, progress reports, grades, discipline, attendance and food service.

Wylie ISD W Brand Logo

The Wylie ISD website (and campus websites) provide general (non-student specific) information about what is happening in the district, on campus and in the classroom. You also have access to calendars, news, staff directories, bullying information, statistics and more.

Wylie ISD COnnect

Wylie ISD Connect, powered by ParentSquare, is the district's mass communication tool that enables parents, staff and students to communicate is a safe environment.

You can download the Wylie ISD Connect app today! Search for "Wylie ISD Connect" in either the App Store or Google Play Store.

Google Classroom

Used Mostly in Grades 2-12

Google Classroom is an online resource for teachers to easily send out assignments and announcements, and helps students stay organized. Students log in with their Wylie ISD Google Apps account. To learn more on how the parent access (called Guardian summaries) works, visit the Google Classroom help site.