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Inclement Weather Procedures

Image showing rain, snow, thunderstorms, and other inclement weather

The often unpredictable North Texas weather can affect Wylie ISD. The Superintendent usually makes the decision to close school by 5:30 a.m. after checking road conditions across the district and consulting with local emergency management officials and neighboring superintendents.

Closings are seldom announced the evening prior to the school day and once school is in session for the day, classes are seldom released early due to the difficulty of notifying parents and the difficulty that working parents have in picking up their children. Decisions involving after-school and evening events will be made by the Superintendent’s Office.

During inclement weather, parents and staff are encouraged to check the Wylie ISD website at or the district Facebook page, for the most up-to-date information. Once the decision is made, these sites will be updated first, and key Wylie ISD personnel including transportation and maintenance supervisors, principals and other supervisors will be notified. The district will utilize Blackboard Connect, our parent notification system, and send emails, texts (those who subscribe), and phone calls to all families and staff. Wylie ISD Communications will also notify local media outlets. School will be open unless otherwise posted.

School will be closed due to inclement weather only when absolutely necessary due to reasons such as hazardous road conditions or the curtailment of natural gas or electricity for heating public buildings. Texas Education Agency policy requires that missed days be made up so it is best to follow the original school calendar if possible.