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Top 10 Reasons Why Wylie ISD

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Wylie ISD averages at least 10 points above the state average in all three performance levels (Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level, Masters Grade Level) for all subjects and grade levels on grades 3 – 8 STAAR.  [more...]


The Wylie ISD Education Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors representing a cross-section of citizens who are dedicated to education and share a vision for excellence in our schools. The Foundation was created to promote quality education and enhance the education all students in the Wylie Independent School District. [more...]


As a result of the work of an intensive action-research study by the district's Technology Immersion Committee in 2011, as well as feedback from a multi-year instructional technology pilot, the #edtechWylie program was created. [more..]

 Fiscally Responsible

Wylie ISD patrons can be assured that their financial investments in the district are being well managed. In the complicated and ever changing world of school finances, Wylie ISD has maintained a strong fund balance, competitive salaries and responsible tax rate. [more..]


We offer an outstanding academic program with a focus on character education beginning in elementary school. The curriculum includes a wide range of programs from culinary arts to television production. The district emphasizes technology in the classroom and as a communications tool for parents. [more..]

Outstanding Extracurricular Options

Wylie ISD knows that students who are engaged in the education succeed at higher level than those who simply “show up.” Under the banner of the UIL, Wylie ISD offers: football, basketball, softball, tennis, golf, track and field, wrestling, power lifting, baseball, cross country and soccer. [more..]

Small Town Feel

Even with two 6A high schools and some 19,200+ students, Wylie ISD truly embodies the Texas quality of life that many larger cities have lost. [more..]

Dual Language

A bi-literacy program model that integrates students proficient in English and students identified as limited English proficient (LEP). This model provides instruction in both English and Spanish, or another language, and transfers a student identified as limited English proficient to English-only instruction. [more..]

Birmingham Trust

It was the opinion of T.F.& Hattie Birmingham that "more children should be given the opportunity to learn the mechanical trades, the different handicrafts and useful arts, the dignity of labor, and the ever important lessons in cooking, sewing and other domestic ways of life." The trust was established to accomplish their wishes and desires in these areas [more...]

The Wylie Way

The Wylie Way is a movement in our schools that fosters responsible, caring and ethical young people through an emphasis on the core values of the Wylie ISD community [more...]