The Texas State Board of Education approved the new Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) for health education, effective 2022-23. The Wylie ISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) has recommended adopting instructional materials published by Goodheart-Wilcox to align with the new TEKS. The State Board of Education approved these Goodheart-Wilcox instructional materials. Below is more information about the instructional materials and the adoption process. After receiving and reviewing community feedback and presentations from administration, the Wylie Board of Trustees approved the Goodheart-Wilcox materials at the June 20, 2022 board meeting.
Questions? Please contact Dr. Stephen Davis, Executive Director of Secondary Curriculum.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Wylie ISD considering new instructional materials for Student Wellness and Reproductive Health Instruction?
In 2020, the Texas State Board of Education approved new Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Health Education (TEKS) to be implemented beginning with the 2022-23 school year. School districts look to adopt new instructional materials when new TEKS are adopted to ensure instructional materials cover what students are expected to learn.
When would any changes to the Student Wellness and Reproductive Health instructional materials occur?
Wylie ISD will use the current Wellness and Sexual Health (WASH) curriculum for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year. Any changes to the Student Wellness and Reproductive Health unit would be effective in 2022-23.
What do students learn about in the Student Wellness and Reproductive Health unit?
Students learn about Physical Health and Hygiene, Mental Health and Wellness, Healthy Eating and Physical Activity, Injury and Violence Prevention and Safety, Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs, Reproductive and Sexual Health, Dating Violence, and Sex Trafficking.
The TEKS for Health Education can be found at the links below:
How long is the Student Wellness and Reproductive Health unit?
The unit is approximately 6-8 days long and is taught in science class.
Is the Student Wellness and Reproductive Health unit mandatory?
The Student Wellness and Reproductive Health unit is not mandatory. Parents must fill out an “opt-in” form to give permission for their students to participate in the Student Wellness and Reproductive Health.
Where can I review the instructional materials being considered for Student Wellness and Reproductive Health?
Goodheart-Wilcox has created an online portal where the instructional materials can be reviewed at the G-W Online Textbooks website. The usernames and passwords are below:
- Health Education, Grade 6
Username: healthgr6#review
Password: txreview#2022!
- Health Education, Grade 7
Username: healthgr7#review
Password: txreview#2022!
- Health, Grade 9
Username: hshealth4#review
Password: txreview#2022!
How can I give feedback regarding the proposed Student Wellness and Reproductive Health Instructional Materials?
UPDATE: After receiving and reviewing community feedback and presentations from administration, the Wylie Board of Trustees approved the Goodheart-Wilcox materials at the June 20, 2022 board meeting.
There will be two public meetings and a survey for families to gather community input. Families are encouraged to review the instructional materials and fill out the survey. Community feedback will be shared with the Board of Trustees when considering the Goodheart-Wilcox instructional materials.
How does Wylie ISD share information about the Student Wellness and Reproductive Health Unit with parents?
Families in grades 6, 7, and 9 are invited to an informational meeting prior to the Student Wellness and Reproductive Health Unit being taught in Science class. The district shares information about what is taught in the unit and where to view the instructional materials used in the unit. This meeting is recorded and emailed to parents who were unable to attend. Approximately 10 days before the Student Wellness and Reproductive Health Unit begins, the campus sends home the “opt-in” permission slip for a student to participate in the Student Wellness and Reproductive Health Unit.
What is the School Health Advisory Council?
The School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is a group of individuals representing the community. SHAC is mandated by the Texas Education Code and appointed by the school district to serve at the district level and provide district advice on coordinated school health programming and its impact on student health and learning.
What is the role of the SHAC in this unit’s instructional materials?
The Texas Education Code requires the SHAC to assist the district in ensuring the district’s health education instruction reflects the local community values. Any course materials and instruction relating to human sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, human immunodeficiency virus, or acquired immune deficiency syndrome shall be selected by the Board of Trustees with the advice of the local school health advisory council. Wylie ISD SHAC reviewed Health TEKS and sample Goodheart-Wilcox Instructional Materials at five separate SHAC meetings. SHAC voted to move forward with the instructional materials and gather feedback from the community.