Developmental Guidance
Elementary & Intermediate Guidance
Self Confidence Development
- Identifying and managing feelings
- Anger Management
- Identifying strengths (Intermediate)
Interpersonal Effectiveness
- Anti-Bullying
- Respect for Others
- Healthy Friendships
- Communication Skills
Problem-Solving Skills
- Personal
- With Peers
- Personal Safety/Anti-Victimization
- With Adults
- Academic
Drug, Alcohol, Tobacco Awareness
- Prevention
Cross-Cultural Effectiveness
- Appreciate their own culture
- Respect others as individuals and accept them for their cultural membership
- Relate effectively with others based on appreciation for differences
Career and Educational Opportunities
- Motivation to Achieve
- Goal setting; decision making
Opportunities to provide Guidance Curriculum Objectives
- Classroom settings
- Assemblies
- MENTOR program
- Multi-cultural activities
- Careers/College Week
- Educational awareness activities
- School wide recognition programs
- Applicable TEKS
Counselor's Role
- Guidance Curriculum
- Individual Planning
- Responsive Services
- System Support
Junior High & High School Guidance
Motivation to Achieve
- Develop their own academic potential
- Take advantage of educational opportunities
- Identify career opportunities that will allow them to fulfill their potential
Decision Making
- Develop the ability to make decisions based on information gathered
- Evaluate options for appropriate choices
Planning and Goal Setting
- Use research skills to gather information
- Develop the ability to make plans and set goals
- Time management
Problem-Solving Skills
- Develop the ability to gather information
- Develop the ability to identify options and make appropriate choices
- Develop the ability to manage change
Educational Choice
- Explore options for post-graduation
- Relate career choices to educational choices
Cross-Cultural Effectiveness
- Appreciate their own culture
- Respect others as individuals and accept them for their cultural membership
- Relate effectively with others based on appreciation for differences
Opportunities to provide Guidance Curriculum Objectives
- Classroom settings
- Wylie Way/College Readiness class (Junior High)
- Assemblies
- Parent conferences and informational meetings
- College Night
- #ihaveplanwisd Nights
- Web site exploration
- Applicable TEKS
- Student Resource Officer services
- MENTOR program
- Multi-cultural activities
- Orientation programs
- Newsletter distribution
Counselor's Role
- Guidance Curriculum
- Individual Planning
- Responsive Services
- System Support
Individual Planning
PURPOSE: The purpose of the individual planning system is to assist students to plan, monitor and manage their own educational, career and personal-social development. Schools will use a variety of resources including staff, information and activities to assist students in developing and implementing personalized plans. Parental involvement is essential to facilitate appropriate placement decisions for students. Through the individual planning system, students are assisted in:
- Being motivated to achieve
- Setting challenging educational, career and personal-social goals
- Making plans for achieving short, intermediate and long term goals
- Assessing their current progress toward their goals
- Study skills techniques
- Awareness of educational opportunities
- Appropriate course selection
- Facilitate appropriate placement
- Interpretation and utilization of test scores
- Importance of lifelong learning
- Graduation
- Knowledge of potential career opportunities
- Knowledge of career and technical training
- Correlation between student appraisal data, course selection and career choices
Personal – Social
- Development of healthy self concepts
- Development of responsible social behavior
Opportunities to Provide Individual Planning
- Career exploration opportunities
- Development of Four Year Plan
- Junior/Senior information
- Newsletter
- Website
- Scholarship/Financial Aid information
- Course selection process
- College selection process
- Credit checks
- ARD meetings
- 504 meetings
- Informational parent/student meetings
- Interpretation
- College Information
- Summer school
- Credit By Exams
- Credit Recovery Courses
- Dual Credit
Counselor's Role
- Program Management
- Guidance
- Consultation
- Coordination