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Students performing a play on stage


High School: 9th - 12th Grades

The theatre program in High School is designed to address a wide range of interests in drama. The students will have opportunities to perform in plays as well as work behind the scenes. They learn the craft from the bottom up, as well as exploring its history and influence. More broadly, the student will learn how to present themselves to others by becoming aware of body language and voice. Aspects of effective communication, which are essential in business and personal relationships, are a focus of the theatre program also. Students practice working together on stage and off with the common goal of a successful production. Through plays and classroom projects, they learn the importance of being a responsible member of a team. The reward for all this hard work in the Wylie ISD theatre program is not just a good grade, but applause, laughter, tears and confidence. We stress success through discipline and dedication.

Social Media

Wylie High School
Facebook: @WylieHighSchoolTheatre
Twitter: @AHMOTheatre
Instagram: whspirateplayers

Wylie East High School
Facebook: WEHSRaiderTheatre
Instagram: @teachkindhumans

Students rehearsing for a play


Junior High: 7th & 8th Grades

In Junior High, the theatre curriculum and instruction focuses on interpretation and performance. As they advance, students gain a deeper understanding of theatrical elements, principles, and conventions. Young actors begin to dramatize more complex characters. Seventh and eighth graders examine scripts, learn basic acting techniques, and explore aspects of technical theatre. By reading scripted materials, students analyze characters, study dialogue, and design stage movements. Junior High students acquire the knowledge and skills to be successful in theatre through research, creative thinking, problem solving, and improvisation.

Social Media

Burnett Junior High
Facebook: Burnett Junior High Theatre
Twitter: @BUCTheatre
Instagram: BurnettJHTheatre

Cooper Junior High
Facebook: CJHS Theatre Arts
Instagram: @CJHSTheatreArts

McMillan Junior High
Facebook: McMillan Junior High Fine Arts

Campus Theatre Contacts

Donella DiPasquale

Theatre Arts Teacher
Wylie East High School

Natalie Elderbroom

Theatre Arts Teacher
Wylie High School

Jessi Flores

Theatre Arts Teacher
Cooper Junior High

Polly Harrison

Theatre Arts Teacher
Wylie High School

Carley King

Theatre Arts Teacher
Wylie High School

Samantha Miller

Theatre Arts Teacher
Wylie East High School

Gary Morris

Theatre Arts Teacher
Wylie East High School

Candace Norris

Theatre Arts Teacher
McMillan Junior High

Sarah Sattizahn

Theatre Arts Teacher
Burnett Junior High