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Elementary Music

Elementary: Kindergarten - 4th Grade

The goal of the Wylie ISD music program at the elementary level is musical literacy. Students are engaged in a variety of activities where they listen to music of the highest quality and sing, move, and perform a rich mixture of folk, seasonal, and patriotic music. Each music classroom contains a variety of instruments for the students’ use.

Many of the teachers use the techniques of Zoltan Kodaly and Carl Orff which further enable the students to successfully perform independently and in groups. Students are provided the opportunity to perform in grade-level programs during the school year. Most campuses have an Honor Choir that performs several times per year on campus and throughout the community.

Social Media

Wylie Children's Chorus
Facebook: Wylie Children's Chorus (4th Grade)

Akin Elementary
Facebook: Akin Elementary Music Class

Birmingham Elementary
Facebook: @BESMusic101

Bush Elementary
Twitter: Bush Elementary Music Class

Cox Elementary
Facebook: @coxcoyotesmusic

Dodd Elementary:
Facebook: @dodddinomusic

Hartman Elementary
Facebook: Hartman Music (closed group)

Smith Elementary
Facebook: @bulldogssing

Tibbals Elementary
Facebook: Tibbals Elementary Specials

Watkins Elementary
Facebook: Watkins Elementary Music

Whitt Elementary
Facebook: Whitt Elementary Music

Elementary Music Contacts

Deanna Aaron

Music Teacher
Birmingham Elementary

Amy Burnside

Music Teacher
Watkins Elementary

Jami Carter-Brown

Music Teacher
Tibbals Elementary

Jeana Crews

Music Teacher
Watkins Elementary

Kelly Haley-Silber

Music Teacher
Whitt Elementary

Kristin Hayes

Music Teacher
Cox Elementary

Taylor Hennig

Music Teacher
Dodd Elementary

Terri Knagg

Music Teacher
Smith Elementary

Erin Parker-Atkins

Music Teacher
Hartman Elementary

Sara Rond

Music Teacher
Bush Elementary

Marisol Santana

Music Teacher
Bush Elementary

Suzanne Vogt

Music Teacher
Akin Elementary

Julia Whannell

Music Teacher
Groves Elementary