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Fine Arts

Engagement in the Fine Arts is an essential part of the school curriculum and an important component in the educational development of every student in Wylie ISD.

Fine Arts education in Wylie ISD begins in Kindergarten and continues through the 12th grade. In elementary school, every student is taught by certified, degreed music specialists. Beginning in 6th grade, students can choose to take Art, Choir, Band or Orchestra. Theatre Arts is added to the Fine Arts elective choices in the 7th grade. In grades 9-12, students may choose courses in Band, Choir, Orchestra, Dance, Visual Art and Theatre.

In the 2023-24 school year, over 66% of all students in grades 6-12 are engaged in Fine Arts education. This percentage represents 6800 students out of 10,341 students that attend intermediate (6th grade), junior high and high school in Wylie ISD. All of the 8,773 students in grades K-5 receive Fine Arts instruction. In total, there are nearly 16,000 students that are participating in Fine Arts programs in Wylie ISD. This grand total is over 83% of the entire student population in Wylie ISD. Fine Arts is alive and well in Wylie ISD! #wisdfinearts

Links & Resources

Fine Arts Calendar

Music Enrichment Program

This is a photo detailing the universities Class of 2024 students received Fine Arts scholarships to, including the total dollar amount of more than $2 million.

Department Staff

Glenn Lambert

Executive Director of Fine Arts

Lisa Cook

Secretary of Fine Arts