Physical Education & Health
Wylie ISD supports the health and physical education of ALL students. We encourage students to have an active lifestyle with some moderate to vigorous physical activity daily. Physical education is the planned sequential instruction created to develop motor skills, physical fitness, and sports' skills. Through movement, students will experience opportunities to utilize decision making and problem solving skills while enhancing mental, social, and emotional abilities. In order for physical education to be effective, it must include a variety of engaging activities, an ongoing assessment, and use of technology. The ultimate goal of physical education is for all students to embrace the challenge of a physically active lifestyle. The importance of nutrition, hygiene and healthy choices made at a personal and interpersonal level are highlighted each school year.
Quick Links
American Heart Association
Texas Public School Nutrition Policy
Tips for Healthy Meals
CATCH is a coordinated school health program which builds an alliance of parents, teachers, child nutrition personnel, school staff, and community partners to teach children and their families how to be healthy for a lifetime.
WHAT IS FITNESSGRAM? FITNESSGRAM is a valuable tool that helps assess your child's fitness level and identifies ways to improve fitness and health.
Parenting & Paternity Awareness
The 80th Legislature passed HB 2176, directing the State Board of Education to work with the Office of the Attorney General to develop a parenting and paternity awareness program that school districts must use in the high school health curriculum, effective beginning the school year of 2008-2009.
TEA Requirements
Texas Education Agency (TEA) requirements for moderate to vigorous daily physical activity: Students below 6th grade are required to participate in moderate or vigorous daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes throughout the school year as part of the district’s physical education curriculum or through structured activity during recess.