Dual Language
One-Way Dual Language 90/10 Model (Pre Kindergarten)
This program serves Emergent Bilingual (EBs) who are native Spanish speakers. This program provides instruction in both Spanish and English. The curriculum used for instruction is the same district curriculum provided to all mainstream students participating in our general education program, but instruction is provided 90% in Spanish and 10% in English. The primary goal of this program is to produce children who are bilingual, bi-literate, and bi-cultural. The program is designed to address the affective, linguistic, and cognitive needs of each student.
Two-Way Dual Language 50/50 Model (Grades K-6)
This program provides advanced learning through instruction in Spanish and in English. The program serves both native Spanish speakers who are Emergent Bilingual (EBs) and native English speaking students. The curriculum includes foundation and enrichment areas to meet the needs of all students. The primary goal of this program is to produce children who are bilingual, bi-literate, and bi-cultural. The program is designed to address the affective, linguistic, and cognitive needs of each student.
For more information about our Wylie ISD Dual Language Program, such as which campuses are dual language campuses or the application process for new kindergarten students, please click on the appropriate link below