(This plan only applies to substitute, temporary, and some part-time employees)
Plan Administrator: Region 10 RAMS
Phone: (800) 943-9179
Website: www.region10rams.org
What is this retirement plan?
The Wylie ISD Region 10 457(b) FICA Alternative Plan (Plan) is a qualified retirement plan under Federal tax law that covers part-time, seasonal and temporary employees of the School District except Texas Retirement System retirees. The Plan provides an alternative benefit to Social Security and exempts you from FICA (Social Security) payroll taxes. You continue to pay Medicare taxes on your wages. Enrollment in the Plan is automatic for every employee who works in a position covered by the Plan.
How much is contributed?
You contribute 7.5% of your wages on a pre-tax basis (for income tax purposes) instead of paying Social Security taxes that otherwise would be determined and paid by you on an after-tax basis. You will see your Plan contribution amount reflected on your paycheck stub. Contributions are credited to an individual account in your name under the Plan.
How can I access my account?
Go to www.region10rams.org, click on Login, select the first letter of the district name (W), select the district, then select the FICA Alternative tab.
Quick Guide to FICA Alternative Plans
FICA Guide